OBSOLETE Cygutils - Utilities for Cygwin

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2000-May-13: OBSOLETE. Do not install. Everything that has appeared in "usr-local" in the past is now available from the main cygwin distribution and the cygwin-xfree distribution. I recommend downloading the RemoveObsoletePackages tool from here, and removing all vestiges of usr-local.tar from your system.


Libraries and executables compiled using gcc-2.95.2 for cygwin snapshots -- I was using 19991124 at time of compilation. Some of the more recent components were compiled with more recent snapshots, or the latest net release. The packages are available as one big bundle or each piece individually. Source code is also available for each package, along with patches and build instructions.


Andy Piper's /usr/local distribution for B20 and B19 was a great help when I first started using cygwin, back in the B19 days. However, since libraries and object files are not compatible between B20 and Cygwin CD v1.0 and later, I couldn't use his distro once I upgraded my cygwin distribution. So, here's the result...



The individual packages in usr-local get updated more often than this mega-package does. So, if you want the very latest usr-local, AFTER installing the mega-package, there are a few smaller packages you should download and install on top of this one. The following are newer than the versions included in usr-local.tar

Also, on some occaisions certain packages may be absorbed by the official cygwin net-release. The following packages, which are part of this usrlocal tarball, have been obsoleted by newer versions which are available from the cygwin mirror sites, in the 'cygwin/latest/' or 'cygwin/contrib/' directories. Important: see this note

If you've installed one of the older usrlocal packages (released 1999-Dec-08, 2000-May-06, or 2000-Aug-25 <==> usr-local-3) and wish to remove the packages that have since been obsoleted by versions included in the cygwin net-release, download this package: RemoveObsoletePackages.



The following applies in each case, whether you download load a binarykit for a single package or the whole thing.
  1. cd /
  2. bunzip2 <PackageName>.tar.bz2
  3. tar xvf <PackageName>.tar

The /usr/local distribution contains the packages listed below. There are a number of files in each directory; the source code is usually a .tar.gz file while the pre-compiled package is something-cygwin*.tar.bz2. Here's an example, using the jpeg library (which, paradoxically, is not actually included in the most recent version of usr-local, because jpeg has been absorbed by the latest net-release)

jpeg-6b-cygwin-pre21-dll.README Readme describing the steps I took to compile libjpeg into a dll
jpeg-6b-cygwin-pre21-dll.patch The patch I had to apply, to compile libjpeg into a dll
jpeg-6b-cygwin-pre21.README Readme describing the steps I took to compile libjpeg statically
jpeg-6b-cygwin-pre21.patch The patch I had to apply, to compile libjpeg statically
jpeg-6b-cygwin-pre21.tar.bz2 This is IT. The precompiled package
jpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz The original sourcecode
ljpeg-6b.tar.gz An extra, "standard" patch that I applied. It adds lossless jpeg support

The packages

Since so many packages have been absorbed by the official cygwin net release, there's not much left that I consider essential (other than perl). So, this 'usr-local' package is pretty small:

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Last modified: Sun May 13 03:01:58 Eastern Daylight Time 2001 EOF