2000-Dec-3: ncftp has
been added to the usr-local package.
Since the cygutils version of ncurses was
obsoleted by a newer version of ncurses in
the official cygwin distribution, this ncftp
may break if you don't have the cygutils ncurses installed on your machine.
There are a number of ways to fix this:
- make sure the 'official' ncurses package is installed and
put 'export TERMINFO=/usr/share/terminfo' in ~/.bash_profile
- make sure the 'official' ncurses package is installed and 'ln -s /usr/share/terminfo
- make sure the 'official' ncurses package is installed, and recompile ncftp from
source so that it links with the new ncurses. Then, it will use the /usr/share/terminfo
database by default, instead of looking for the (old) /usr/local/share/terminfo database.
- download and install the cygutils version of ncurses. This is NOT recommended.
Builds out-of-box (mostly).
/bin/ls(.exe) must exist
/bin/rm(.exe) must exist
unpack ncftp-3.0.1.tar.bz2
cd ncftp-3.0.1
CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include \
LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib \
./configure \
#give it time; configure seems to hang but it's not, really.
#edit ./vis/Makefile, and add an '.exe' to the end of DPROGS=
make install
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Last modified: Wed Jan 24 01:47:58 -0500 2001