OBSOLETE CygUtils - Utilities for Cygwin

Obsolete Cygwin B20
Obsolete CygUtils Home
Obsolete Cygwin V1.1
NON-Obsolete CygUtils


On this site you will find many utilities for the Cygwin environment, including Perl and run. Both binaries and sourcecode are provided. Cygwin is an open-source POSIX emulation layer for W*ndows. It allows you to use all your favorite GNU and Unix utilities while trapped in the wasteland of a certain company's OS.

The cygwin environment is in constant development, and sometimes newer versions are not compatible with applications, libraries, and/or object files compiled using older versions. That is the case with Cgywin B20 and Release V1.1. [ Cygwin V1.1 was released back in March of 2000, and collectively refers to any cygwin kernel with number scheme 1.1.x.]

So, I've split this site into separate branches: one branch for files related to B20, a branch for V1.1. There is also a set of files that aren't specifically tied to a cygwin release -- such as perl scripts or native executables -- but those files are referenced from the main branches as appropriate; they don't have their own branch.

The B20 tree is dead. I haven't updated it since November 1999, and do not plan to maintain it any longer. It is there strictly for historical interest. You really should upgrade to a newer cygwin; many many bug fixes as well as new features have been introduced in the newer versions.

How To Install

Most of the packages on this site are distributed in '.tar.bz2' format. This means that they have been compressed using the 'bzip2' compression program, a patent-unencumbered algorithm that usually outperforms gzip, compress, and zip compressors. The bzip package is part of the official cygwin distribution (you installed the 'bzip2' package when asked by the setup program, right?). So, bunzip2.exe should be sitting in your /bin directory.

So, to install the precompiled packages on this site, all you need to do is type:

    cd /
    bunzip2 -c <path-to-archive>/foo.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -
or just 
    tar xvjf <path-to-archive>/foo.tar.bz2 
which calls bunzip2 "behind the scenes"
That's it!

Last modified: Sun Aug 27 19:16:21 Eastern Daylight Time 2000