The "Undocumented" Bookstore


Andrew Schulman
in association with

This page last updated February 9, 1997 

I'll be expanding this page into what I hope will become a full-scale online "store" (in association with for books on operating-system internals and undocumented features, plus related topics such as reverse engineering, intellectual property, interoperability, innovation, antitrust, and the history of technology. I'll be updating this frequently, so you might want to check in often (you can register for update notices via email). I'll also be trying to figure out how to fit in software development for the web (which possibly eliminates the need for most of this operating-systems internals stuff!).

 Books on undocumented interfaces and operating system internals

 Books on intellectual property (copyright, patents, trade secrets, reverse-engineering law, etc.)

 Books on antitrust, competition, monopoly, and innovation 

Undocumented Interfaces and Operating System Internals

Intellectual Property

(Copyright, patents, trade secrets, reverse-engineering law, etc.)

Antitrust, competition, monopoly, and innovation

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