OBSOLETE Cygutils - Utilities for Cygwin

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Install the binary package

  1. cd to /
  2. unpack the binary distribution. It will install itself into /usr/local/lib/perl5, usr/local/man, and /usr/local/bin.
  3. you're done.

Build from source

  1. unpack the original source distribution from cpan.org in /usr/local/src
  2. unpack the patchkit somewhere else
  3. cd /usr/local/src/perl-5.6.0-RC1
  4. NT only: chmod -R +w *
  5. read perl-5.6.0-RC1/README.cygwin32
The patchkit perl-5.6.0-RC1-cygwin1.1-patch.tar.bz2 contains:
perl-5.6.0-RC1-cygwin1.1.README a more detailed 'build recipe'
log-conf.txt transcript of my configure session
log-make.txt transcript of my make session
log-test.txt transcript of 'make test'
log-harness.txt transcript of './perl harness'
log-inst.txt transcript of 'make install'
log-insthtml.txt transcript of 'make install.html'

Test results:

I cheated a little bit. I copied cygwin1.dll into the <PERL-SRC>/t directory to avoid the op/taint errors. I do not recommend this for general installations.

Failed Test  Status Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of failed
lib/io_poll.t                 8    1  12.50%  4
lib/odbm.t                   64    1   1.56%  2
op/grent.t                    1    1 100.00%  1
4 tests and 54 subtests skipped.
Failed 3/236 test scripts, 98.73% okay. 3/11823 subtests failed, 99.97% okay.

Precompiled modules

Only for perl-5.6.0-RC1. Do not use with any other version. To install these modules, use the rpm package available here. These modules have been recompiled for perl-5.6.0-RC1, since the installation path is different for each perl development release.

List of binary rpm's or source rpm's

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Obsolete CygUtils Home

Last modified: Mon Mar 13 23:28:25 Eastern Standard Time 2000