The following are examples of j_cputime.d.

This script traces the on-CPU time of Java methods and prints a report. Here 
it traces the example program, Code/Java/Func_abc

# j_cputime.d
Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.

Top 10 counts,
      PID TYPE       NAME                                                COUNT
   311374 method     java/lang/String.equals                               202
   311374 method     java/lang/Math.min                                    208
   311374 method     java/lang/String.hashCode                             213
   311374 method     java/lang/String.indexOf                              302
   311374 method     java/lang/System.arraycopy                            360
   311374 method     java/lang/StringBuilder.append                        533
   311374 method     java/lang/AbstractStringBuilder.append                549
   311374 method     java/lang/Object.<init>                               823
   311374 method     java/lang/String.charAt                              1960
        0 total      -                                                   12020

Top 10 on-CPU times (us),
      PID TYPE       NAME                                                TOTAL

Top 10 exclusive method on-CPU times (us),
      PID TYPE       NAME                                                TOTAL
   311374 method     java/io/FilePermission$                         1055
   311374 method     java/util/Arrays.copyOf                              1110
   311374 method     sun/net/www/ParseUtil.decode                         1161
   311374 method     java/io/File.<clinit>                                1212
   311374 method     java/lang/StringBuilder.append                       1228
   311374 method     java/io/UnixFileSystem.normalize                     1402
   311374 method     java/lang/String.<init>                              2251
   311374 method     java/lang/String.charAt                              2262
   311374 method     java/lang/System.initializeSystemClass               2751
        0 total      -                                                   99868

Top 10 inclusive method on-CPU times (us),
      PID TYPE       NAME                                                TOTAL
   311374 method     java/lang/ClassLoader.loadClassInternal             25826
   311374 method     sun/misc/Launcher$ExtClassLoader.getExtClassLoader    25914
   311374 method     java/net/URL.<init>                                 27677
   311374 method     sun/misc/Launcher.<init>                            28566
   311374 method     sun/misc/Launcher.<clinit>                          28744
   311374 method     java/lang/ClassLoader.initSystemClassLoader         29241
   311374 method     java/lang/ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader          29249
   311374 method     java/lang/System.initializeSystemClass              33814
   311374 method     java/lang/ClassLoader.loadClass                     66564
   311374 method     java/security/AccessController.doPrivileged         67499

You can see that it prints the top ten results in each of four categories.

The first section reports how many times each subroutine was called, and it's

The second section reports on the on-CPU time of anything that was not of type
"method", in this case - none. 

The exclusive method on-CPU times shows, amongst other results, that
java/lang/String.charAt spent around 2,200 microseconds on-CPU.  This times 
excludes time spent in other subroutines.

The inclusive method on-CPU times show the times that various methods
spent on-CPU.  This includes the time spent in other subroutines called.

These on-CPU times are the time the thread spent running on a CPU, from when
the subroutine began to when it completed. This does not include time
spent off-CPU time such as sleeping for I/O or waiting for scheduling.

On-CPU times are useful for showing who is causing the CPUs to be busy.
See Notes/ALLoncpu_notes.txt for more details. Also see
Notes/ALLexclusive_notes.txt and Notes/ALLinclusive_notes.txt for a
detailed explanation of exclusive vs inclusive subroutine time.