.de1 NOP . it 1 an-trap . if \\n[.$] \,\\$*\/ .. .ie t \ .ds B-Font [CB] .ds I-Font [CI] .ds R-Font [CR] .el \ .ds B-Font B .ds I-Font I .ds R-Font R .TH ntpsnmpd @NTPSNMPD_MS@ "06 Jun 2023" "4.2.8p17" "User Commands" .\" .\" EDIT THIS FILE WITH CAUTION (in-mem file) .\" .\" It has been AutoGen-ed June 6, 2023 at 04:38:21 AM by AutoGen 5.18.16 .\" From the definitions ntpsnmpd-opts.def .\" and the template file agman-cmd.tpl .SH NAME \f\*[B-Font]ntpsnmpd\fP \- NTP SNMP MIB agent .SH SYNOPSIS \f\*[B-Font]ntpsnmpd\fP .\" Mixture of short (flag) options and long options [\f\*[B-Font]\-flags\f[]] [\f\*[B-Font]\-flag\f[] [\f\*[I-Font]value\f[]]] [\f\*[B-Font]\-\-option-name\f[][[=| ]\f\*[I-Font]value\f[]]] .sp \n(Ppu .ne 2 All arguments must be options. .sp \n(Ppu .ne 2 .SH DESCRIPTION \f\*[B-Font]ntpsnmpd\fP is an SNMP MIB agent designed to interface with \fCntpd\f[]\fR(@NTPD_MS@)\f[]. .SH "OPTIONS" .TP .NOP \f\*[B-Font]\-n\f[], \f\*[B-Font]\-\-nofork\f[] Do not fork. .sp .TP .NOP \f\*[B-Font]\-p\f[], \f\*[B-Font]\-\-syslog\f[] Log to syslog(). .sp .TP .NOP \f\*[B-Font]\-\-agentxsocket\f[]=\f\*[I-Font]string\f[] The socket address ntpsnmpd uses to connect to net-snmpd. The default \f\*[I-Font]string\f[] for this option is: .ti +4 unix:/var/agentx/master .sp [:] The default "agent X socket" is the Unix Domain socket \fIunix:/var/agentx/master\fP. Another common alternative is \fItcp:localhost:705\fP. .TP .NOP \f\*[B-Font]\-\&?\f[], \f\*[B-Font]\-\-help\f[] Display usage information and exit. .TP .NOP \f\*[B-Font]\-\&!\f[], \f\*[B-Font]\-\-more-help\f[] Pass the extended usage information through a pager. .TP .NOP \f\*[B-Font]\->\f[] [\f\*[I-Font]cfgfile\f[]], \f\*[B-Font]\-\-save-opts\f[] [=\f\*[I-Font]cfgfile\f[]] Save the option state to \fIcfgfile\fP. The default is the \fIlast\fP configuration file listed in the \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP section, below. The command will exit after updating the config file. .TP .NOP \f\*[B-Font]\-<\f[] \f\*[I-Font]cfgfile\f[], \f\*[B-Font]\-\-load-opts\f[]=\f\*[I-Font]cfgfile\f[], \f\*[B-Font]\-\-no-load-opts\f[] Load options from \fIcfgfile\fP. The \fIno-load-opts\fP form will disable the loading of earlier config/rc/ini files. \fI\-\-no-load-opts\fP is handled early, out of order. .TP .NOP \f\*[B-Font]\-\-version\f[] [{\f\*[I-Font]v|c|n\f[]}] Output version of program and exit. The default mode is `v', a simple version. The `c' mode will print copyright information and `n' will print the full copyright notice. .PP .SH "OPTION PRESETS" Any option that is not marked as \fInot presettable\fP may be preset by loading values from configuration ("RC" or ".INI") file(s) and values from environment variables named: .nf \fBNTPSNMPD_\fP or \fBNTPSNMPD\fP .fi .ad The environmental presets take precedence (are processed later than) the configuration files. The \fIhomerc\fP files are "\fI$HOME\fP", and "\fI.\fP". If any of these are directories, then the file \fI.ntprc\fP is searched for within those directories. .SH USAGE \f\*[B-Font]ntpsnmpd\fP currently uses a private MIB OID, \[oq]enterprises.5597\[cq], which is the Meinberg top level OEM OID, and \[oq]99\[cq] is the temporary working space for this project. The final OID has to be registered with IANA and this is done by the RFC Editor when the NTPv4 MIB RFC is standardized. .sp \n(Ppu .ne 2 If you have \fCsnmpwalk\f[]\fR(1)\f[] installed you can run .Dl % snmpwalk \-v2c \-c public localhost enterprises.5597.99 to see a list of all currently supported NTP MIB objects and their current values. .SH "ENVIRONMENT" See \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP for configuration environment variables. .SH "FILES" See \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP for configuration files. .SH "EXIT STATUS" One of the following exit values will be returned: .TP .NOP 0 " (EXIT_SUCCESS)" Successful program execution. .TP .NOP 1 " (EXIT_FAILURE)" The operation failed or the command syntax was not valid. .TP .NOP 66 " (EX_NOINPUT)" A specified configuration file could not be loaded. .TP .NOP 70 " (EX_SOFTWARE)" libopts had an internal operational error. Please report it to autogen-users@lists.sourceforge.net. Thank you. .PP .SH AUTHORS .NOP "Heiko Gerstung" .br .SH "COPYRIGHT" Copyright (C) 1992-2023 The University of Delaware and Network Time Foundation all rights reserved. This program is released under the terms of the NTP license, . .SH "BUGS" Please send bug reports to: https://bugs.ntp.org, bugs@ntp.org .SH NOTES The following objects are currently supported: .sp \n(Ppu .ne 2 .TP 29 .NOP \f[C]ntpEntSoftwareName\f[] please fill me in... .br .ns .TP 29 .NOP \f[C]ntpEntSoftwareVersion\f[] please fill me in... .br .ns .TP 29 .NOP \f[C]ntpEntSoftwareVersionVal\f[] please fill me in... .br .ns .TP 29 .NOP \f[C]ntpEntSoftwareVendor\f[] please fill me in... .br .ns .TP 29 .NOP \f[C]ntpEntSystemType\f[] please fill me in... .br .ns .TP 29 .NOP \f[C]ntpEntTimeResolution\f[] please fill me in... .br .ns .TP 29 .NOP \f[C]ntpEntTimeResolutionVal\f[] please fill me in... .br .ns .TP 29 .NOP \f[C]ntpEntTimePrecision\f[] please fill me in... .br .ns .TP 29 .NOP \f[C]ntpEntTimePrecisionVal\f[] please fill me in... .br .ns .TP 29 .NOP \f[C]ntpEntTimeDistance\f[] please fill me in... .PP .sp \n(Ppu .ne 2 This manual page was \fIAutoGen\fP-erated from the \fBntpsnmpd\fP option definitions.