#!/bin/sh # PROVIDE: rustypaste # REQUIRE: LOGIN # KEYWORD: shutdown # # Configuration settings for rustypaste in /etc/rc.conf # # rustypaste_enable (bool): Enable rustypaste. (Default=NO) # rustypaste_env_file (str): Path containing the environment variables # to be used by rustypaste. (Default: %%ETCDIR%%/rustypaste.env) # rustypaste_logfile (str): Log file used to store the rustypaste's output. (Default: /var/log/rustypaste.log) # rustypaste_pidfile (str): File used by rustypaste to store the process ID. (Default: /var/run/rustypaste.pid) # rustypaste_username (str): User to run rustypaste as. (Default: rustypaste) . /etc/rc.subr name="rustypaste" desc="Minimal file upload/pastebin service" rcvar="rustypaste_enable" load_rc_config $name : ${rustypaste_enable:="NO"} : ${rustypaste_env_file:="%%ETCDIR%%/rustypaste.env"} : ${rustypaste_logfile:="/var/log/rustypaste.log"} : ${rustypaste_pidfile:="/var/run/rustypaste.pid"} : ${rustypaste_username:="%%USER%%"} pidfile="${rustypaste_pidfile}" procname="%%PREFIX%%/bin/rustypaste" command="/usr/sbin/daemon" command_args="-o '${rustypaste_logfile}' -p '${pidfile}' -u '${rustypaste_username}' -t '${desc}' -- ${procname}" run_rc_command "$1"