LoadModule rpaf_module %%APACHEMODDIR%%/mod_rpaf.so # Enable reverse proxy add forward #RPAF_Enable On # What IPs & bitmasked subnets to adjust requests for #RPAF_ProxyIPs # The header to use for the real IP address #RPAF_Header X-Forwarded-For # Update vhost name so ServerName & ServerAlias work #RPAF_SetHostName Off # Set the HTTPS environment variable # to the header value contained in # X-HTTPS, or X-Forwarded-HTTPS. For # best results make sure that mod_ssl # is NOT enabled. #RPAF_SetHTTPS Off # Set the server port to the header # value contained in X-Port, or # X-Forwarded-Port. # (see https://github.com/gnif/mod_rpaf/issues/12) #RPAF_SetPort Off # Option to forbid request if not from # trusted RPAF_ProxyIPs; otherwise # cannot be done with Allow/Deny after # remote addr substitution #RPAF_ForbidIfNotProxy Off