# # # Glewlwyd SSO Authorization Server # # Copyright 2016-2019 Nicolas Mora # Gnu Public License V3 # # # port to open for remote commands port=4593 # bind to IPV4 address #bind_address="" # external url to access to this instance external_url="http://localhost:4593" # login url relative to external url login_url="login.html" # api prefix api_prefix="api" # path to static files for /webapp url static_files_path="/usr/local/www/glewlwyd" # access-control-allow-origin value allow_origin="*" # log mode (console, syslog, journald, file) log_mode="file" # log level: NONE, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG log_level="DEBUG" # output to log file (required if log_mode is file) log_file="/var/log/glewlwyd.log" # cookie domain cookie_domain="" # cookie_secure, this options SHOULD be set to 1, set this to 0 to test glewlwyd on insecure connection http instead of https cookie_secure=0 # session expiration, default is 4 weeks session_expiration=2419200 # session key session_key="GLEWLWYD2_SESSION_ID" # admin scope name admin_scope="g_admin" # profile scope name profile_scope="g_profile" # user_module path user_module_path="/usr/local/lib/glewlwyd/user" # client_module path client_module_path="/usr/local/lib/glewlwyd/client" # user_auth_scheme_module path user_auth_scheme_module_path="/usr/local/lib/glewlwyd/scheme" # plugin_module path plugin_module_path="/usr/local/lib/glewlwyd/plugin" # TLS/SSL configuration values use_secure_connection=false secure_connection_key_file="/etc/ssl/certs/cert.key" secure_connection_pem_file="/etc/ssl/certs/cert.pem" secure_connection_ca_file="/etc/ssl/certs/ca.crt" # Algorithms available are SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, MD5, default is SHA256 hash_algorithm = "SHA512" # MariaDB/Mysql database connection #database = #{ # type = "mariadb" # host = "localhost" # user = "glewlwyd" # password = "glewlwyd" # dbname = "glewlwyd" # port = 0 #} # SQLite database connection database = { type = "sqlite3" path = "/var/cache/glewlwyd/glewlwyd.db" }; # PostgreSQL database connection #database = #{ # type = "postgre" # conninfo = "dbname = glewlwyd" #} # mime types for webapp files static_files_mime_types = ( { extension = ".html" mime_type = "text/html" }, { extension = ".css" mime_type = "text/css" }, { extension = ".js" mime_type = "application/javascript" }, { extension = ".json" mime_type = "application/json" }, { extension = ".png" mime_type = "image/png" }, { extension = ".jpg" mime_type = "image/jpeg" }, { extension = ".jpeg" mime_type = "image/jpeg" }, { extension = ".ttf" mime_type = "font/ttf" }, { extension = ".woff" mime_type = "font/woff" }, { extension = ".woff2" mime_type = "font/woff2" }, { extension = ".map" mime_type = "application/octet-stream" }, { extension = ".ico" mime_type = "image/x-icon" } )