# In the config file, following parameters are available # See https://docs.digdag.io/command_reference.html#server-mode-commands # #server.bind (ip address) #server.port (integer) #server.admin.bind (ip address) #server.admin.port (integer) #server.access-log.path (string. same with –access-log) #server.access-log.pattern (string, “json”, “combined” or “common”) #server.http.io-threads (number of HTTP IO threads in integer. default: available CPU cores or 2, whichever is greater) #server.http.worker-threads (number of HTTP worker threads in integer. default: server.http.io-threads * 8) #server.http.no-request-timeout (maximum allowed time for clients to keep a connection open without sending requests or receiving responses in seconds. default: 60) #server.http.request-parse-timeout (maximum allowed time of reading a HTTP request in seconds. this doesn’t affect on reading request body. default: 30) #server.http.io-idle-timeout (maximum allowed idle time of reading HTTP request and writing HTTP response in seconds. default: 300) #server.http.enable-http2 (enable HTTP/2. default: false) #server.http.headers.KEY = VALUE (HTTP header to set on API responses) #server.jmx.port (port to listen JMX in integer. default: JMX is disabled) #database.type (enum, “h2” or “postgresql”) #database.user (string) #database.password (string) #database.host (string) #database.port (integer) #database.database (string) #database.loginTimeout (seconds in integer, default: 30) #database.socketTimeout (seconds in integer, default: 1800) #database.ssl (boolean, default: false) #database.connectionTimeout (seconds in integer, default: 30) #database.idleTimeout (seconds in integer, default: 600) #database.validationTimeout (seconds in integer, default: 5) #database.maximumPoolSize (integer, default: available CPU cores * 32) #archive.type (type of project archiving, “db” or “s3”. default: “db”) #archive.s3.endpoint (string. default: “s3.amazonaws.com”) #archive.s3.bucket (string) #archive.s3.path (string) #archive.s3.credentials.access-key-id (string. default: instance profile) #archive.s3.credentials.secret-access-key (string. default: instance profile) #archive.s3.path-style-access (boolean. default: false) #log-server.type (type of log storage, “local” , “null”, or “s3”. default: “null”. This parameter will be overwritten with “local” if -O, --task-log DIR is set.) #log-server.s3.endpoint (string, default: “s3.amazonaws.com”) #log-server.s3.bucket (string) #log-server.s3.path (string) #log-server.s3.direct_download (boolean. default: false) #log-server.s3.credentials.access-key-id (string. default: instance profile) #log-server.s3.credentials.secret-access-key (string. default: instance profile) #log-server.s3.path-style-access (boolean. default: false) #digdag.secret-encryption-key = (base64 encoded 128-bit AES encryption key) #executor.task_ttl (string. default: 1d. A task is killed if it is running longer than this period.) #executor.attempt_ttl (string. default: 7d. An attempt is killed if it is running longer than this period.) #api.max_attempts_page_size (integer. The max number of rows of attempts in api response) #api.max_sessions_page_size (integer. The max number of rows of sessions in api response) server.bind= database.type=h2 # generate with: # openssl rand -base64 16 #digdag.secret-encryption-key=