#!/bin/sh # PROVIDE: crowdsec # BEFORE: crowdsec_firewall # REQUIRE: LOGIN DAEMON NETWORKING # KEYWORD: shutdown # # Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf.local or /etc/rc.conf # to enable this service: # # crowdsec_enable (bool): Set it to YES to enable crowdsec agent. # Default is "NO". # crowdsec_config (str): Set the agent config path. # Default is "%%PREFIX%%/etc/crowdsec/config.yaml". # crowdsec_machine_name (str): Name for the crowdsec instance when it's running its own lapi. # Default is "localhost". . /etc/rc.subr name=crowdsec rcvar=crowdsec_enable load_rc_config "$name" : "${crowdsec_enable:=NO}" : "${crowdsec_config:=%%PREFIX%%/etc/crowdsec/config.yaml}" : "${crowdsec_machine_name:=localhost}" pidfile=/var/run/${name}_daemon.pid pidfile_crowdsec=/var/run/${name}.pid required_files="$crowdsec_config" command="/usr/sbin/daemon" command_crowdsec="%%PREFIX%%/bin/crowdsec" command_cscli="%%PREFIX%%/bin/cscli" command_args="-f -P ${pidfile} -p ${pidfile_crowdsec} -r -R 10 -t \"${name}\" -- ${command_crowdsec} -c ${crowdsec_config}" reload_cmd="${name}_reload" start_precmd="${name}_precmd" configtest_cmd="${name}_configtest" reload_precmd="${name}_configtest" restart_precmd="${name}_configtest" stop_precmd="${name}_stop_precmd" stop_postcmd="${name}_stop_postcmd" extra_commands="configtest reload" # If the crowdsec process was not started or is in a fail loop due to misconfiguration, # the TERM signal is not enough to terminate /usr/sbin/daemon. sig_stop="INT" crowdsec_stop_precmd() { # take note of the pid, because sbin/daemon will remove the file # without waiting for crowdsec to exit if [ -r "$pidfile_crowdsec" ]; then _CROWDSECPID="$(check_pidfile "$pidfile_crowdsec" "$command_crowdsec")" export _CROWDSECPID # notification plugins _CROWDSEC_CHILDREN="$(pgrep -P "$_CROWDSECPID")" export _CROWDSEC_CHILDREN fi } crowdsec_stop_postcmd() { if [ -n "$_CROWDSECPID" ]; then # don't trust sbin/daemon to send the signal kill -TERM "$_CROWDSECPID" 2>/dev/null fi if [ -n "$_CROWDSEC_CHILDREN" ]; then kill -TERM $_CROWDSEC_CHILDREN 2>/dev/null fi sleep 5 if [ -n "$_CROWDSECPID" ]; then # in case a datasource didn't respond kill -KILL "$_CROWDSECPID" 2>/dev/null # ensure the process is not running before restart, or it will find the http port in use wait_for_pids "$_CROWDSECPID" fi if [ -n "$_CROWDSEC_CHILDREN" ]; then kill -KILL $_CROWDSEC_CHILDREN 2>/dev/null wait_for_pids $_CROWDSEC_CHILDREN fi } crowdsec_precmd() { cs_cli() { "$command_cscli" -c "$crowdsec_config" "$@" } Config() { cs_cli config show --key "Config.$1" } # Is the LAPI enabled on this node? if [ "$(Config API.Server.Enable)" != "false" ]; then # There are no machines, we create one for cscli & log processor if [ "$(cs_cli machines list -o json --error)" = "[]" ]; then echo "Registering LAPI" cs_cli machines add "${crowdsec_machine_name}" --auto --force --error || : fi CONFIG_DIR=$(Config ConfigPaths.ConfigDir) # Register to the central server to receive the community blocklist and more if [ ! -s "${CONFIG_DIR}/online_api_credentials.yaml" ]; then echo "Registering CAPI" cs_cli capi register || : fi fi # If the hub is empty, install the freebsd collection and the private ip whitelist. # We don't ship the whitelist in the collection because # there are legitimate use cases for banning private ip ranges. if [ "$(cs_cli hub list -o raw | wc -l)" -le 1 ]; then cs_cli parsers install crowdsecurity/whitelists --error || : cs_cli collections install crowdsecurity/freebsd --error || : fi } crowdsec_configtest() { echo "Performing sanity check on ${name} configuration." if ! "$command_crowdsec" -c "$crowdsec_config" -t -error; then exit 1 fi echo "Configuration test OK" } crowdsec_reload() { echo "Reloading configuration" if [ -r "$pidfile_crowdsec" ]; then kill -HUP "$(check_pidfile "$pidfile_crowdsec" "${command_crowdsec}")" fi } run_rc_command "$1"