{ type: install
  message: <<EOM
Caldera 5 port was installed

1) Take on mind it is a modifying version of Caldera for include FreeBSD as 
   supported OS and you could found some issues. Problem reports are welcome.

2) Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf

  # sysrc caldera_enable="YES"

  or enable it from service command

  # service caldera enable

3) Before of start Caldera you must run some scripts for generate/update payload

   # su -m caldera -c 'cd %%WWWDIR%%/plugins/manx && \
     setenv GOCACHE /tmp/caldera/.cache; setenv GOMODCACHE /tmp/caldera/.vendor; \
     sh update-shells.sh'
   # su -m caldera -c 'cd %%WWWDIR%%/plugins/sandcat && \
     setenv GOCACHE /tmp/caldera/.cache; setenv GOMODCACHE /tmp/caldera/.vendor; \
     sh update-agents.sh'

4) Do not forget modify configuration files before of run Caldera. For default
   it runs in insecure mode (http). Caldera configuration files are located at


5) You can change default user passwords modifying default.yml file into
   %%WWWDIR%%/conf folder. By default Caldera uses admin/admin,
   blue/admin or red/admin like user/password.

   # sed -i "" -e "s|admin: admin|admin: `openssl rand -base64 32`|g" default.yml
   # sed -i "" -e "s|blue: admin|blue: `openssl rand -base64 32`|g" default.yml
   # sed -i "" -e "s|red: admin|red: `openssl rand -base64 32`|g" default.yml

6) If you want run it in secure mode (https) take a look in ssl plugin section:


   You will need add an empty caldera_flags to /etc/rc.conf for enable it

   # sysrc caldera_flags=

7) Start Caldera service

   # service caldera start

8) When Caldera is starting, atomic plugin will use git to download files from
   the following link:


   Currently, the project does not include FreeBSD like a supported platform.
   For this reason, Atomic plugin was patched for download atomic-red-team
   files from the following repository until my pull request will be merge into


   Those files are necessary for generate yml files used by Caldera abilities

9) Caldera web listens on port localhost:8888 by default


10) Log file is located at /var/log/caldera.log

11) For more configure information you can look at the following link:


12) Enjoy it