[ { type: install message: <<EOM Caldera 5 port was installed 1) Take on mind it is a modifying version of Caldera for include FreeBSD as supported OS and you could found some issues. Problem reports are welcome. 2) Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf # sysrc caldera_enable="YES" or enable it from service command # service caldera enable 3) Before of start Caldera you must run some scripts for generate/update payload files # su -m caldera -c 'cd %%WWWDIR%%/plugins/manx && \ setenv GOCACHE /tmp/caldera/.cache; setenv GOMODCACHE /tmp/caldera/.vendor; \ sh update-shells.sh' # su -m caldera -c 'cd %%WWWDIR%%/plugins/sandcat && \ setenv GOCACHE /tmp/caldera/.cache; setenv GOMODCACHE /tmp/caldera/.vendor; \ sh update-agents.sh' 4) Do not forget modify configuration files before of run Caldera. For default it runs in insecure mode (http). Caldera configuration files are located at %%WWWDIR%%/conf 5) You can change default user passwords modifying default.yml file into %%WWWDIR%%/conf folder. By default Caldera uses admin/admin, blue/admin or red/admin like user/password. # sed -i "" -e "s|admin: admin|admin: `openssl rand -base64 32`|g" default.yml # sed -i "" -e "s|blue: admin|blue: `openssl rand -base64 32`|g" default.yml # sed -i "" -e "s|red: admin|red: `openssl rand -base64 32`|g" default.yml 6) If you want run it in secure mode (https) take a look in ssl plugin section: https://caldera.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Plugin-library.html#ssl You will need add an empty caldera_flags to /etc/rc.conf for enable it # sysrc caldera_flags= 7) Start Caldera service # service caldera start 8) When Caldera is starting, atomic plugin will use git to download files from the following link: https://github.com/redcanaryco/atomic-red-team Currently, the project does not include FreeBSD like a supported platform. For this reason, Atomic plugin was patched for download atomic-red-team files from the following repository until my pull request will be merge into redcanaryco/atomic-red-team: https://github.com/alonsobsd/atomic-red-team Those files are necessary for generate yml files used by Caldera abilities 9) Caldera web listens on port localhost:8888 by default http://localhost:8888 10) Log file is located at /var/log/caldera.log 11) For more configure information you can look at the following link: https://caldera.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ 12) Enjoy it EOM } ]