# sample config file for epsonepl # a hash sign starts a comment and counts as whitespace # # settings must be in the form of: # [whitespace]<variable><whitespace_or_=><value>[whitespace] # # variable allowed values mandatory default # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # model EPL5700L EPL5800L EPL5900L yes - # papersize see gs config yes - # dpi 300 Class600 600 Class1200 no 600 # ritech on off no on # density 1 2 3 4 5 no 3 # tonersave on off no off # # you can specify ps2epl to use another config file by spefifying # -f<config> as the _first_ parameter, e.g.: # ps2epl -f/path/to/my/config [other options and files] # model EPL5700L papersize a4 dpi Class600 ritech on density 3 tonersave off