.\" Copyright 2012-2024 The Kyua Authors. .\" All rights reserved. .\" .\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without .\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are .\" met: .\" .\" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. .\" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the .\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. .\" * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its contributors .\" may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software .\" without specific prior written permission. .\" .\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS .\" "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT .\" LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR .\" A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT .\" OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, .\" SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT .\" LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, .\" DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY .\" THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT .\" (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE .\" OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. .Dd March 23, 2024 .Dt KYUAFILE 5 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm Kyuafile .Nd Test suite description files .Sh SYNOPSIS .Fn atf_test_program "string name" "[string metadata]" .Fn current_kyuafile .Fn fs.basename "string path" .Fn fs.dirname "string path" .Fn fs.exists "string path" .Fn fs.files "string path" .Fn fs.is_absolute "string path" .Fn fs.join "string path" "string path" .Fn include "string path" .Fn plain_test_program "string name" "[string metadata]" .Fn syntax "int version" .Fn tap_test_program "string name" "[string metadata]" .Fn test_suite "string name" .Sh DESCRIPTION A test suite is a collection of test programs and is represented by a hierarchical layout of test binaries on the file system. Any subtree of the file system can represent a test suite, provided that it includes one or more .Nm Ns s , which are the test suite definition files. .Pp A .Nm is a Lua script whose purpose is to describe the structure of the test suite it belongs to. To do so, the script has access to a collection of special functions provided by .Xr kyua 1 as described in .Sx Helper functions . .Ss File versioning Every .Nm file starts with a call to .Fn syntax "int version" . This call determines the specific schema used by the file so that future backwards-incompatible modifications to the file can be introduced. .Pp Any new .Nm file should set .Fa version to .Sq 2 . .Ss Test suite definition If the .Nm registers any test programs, the .Nm must define the name of the test suite the test programs belong to by using the .Fn test_suite function at the very beginning of the file. .Pp The test suite name provided in the .Fn test_suite call tells .Xr kyua 1 which set of configuration variables from .Xr kyua.conf 5 to pass to the test programs at run time. .Ss Test program registration A .Nm can register test programs by means of a variety of .Fn *_test_program functions, all of which take the name of a test program and a set of optional metadata properties that describe such test program. .Pp The test programs to be registered must live in the current directory; in other words, the various .Fn *_test_program calls cannot reference test programs in other directories. The rationale for this is to force all .Nm files to be self-contained, and to simplify their internal representation. .Pp .Em ATF test programs are those that use the .Xr atf 7 libraries. They can be registered with the .Fn atf_test_program table constructor. This function takes the .Fa name of the test program and a collection of optional metadata settings for all the test cases in the test program. Any metadata properties defined by the test cases themselves override the metadata values defined here. The mapping to ATF metadata naming for each property is provided below. .Pp .Em Plain test programs are those that return 0 on success and non-0 on failure; in general, most test programs (even those that use fancy unit-testing libraries) behave this way and thus also qualify as plain test programs. They can be registered with the .Fn plain_test_program table constructor. This function takes the .Fa name of the test program, an optional .Fa test_suite name that overrides the global test suite name, and a collection of optional metadata settings for the test program. .Pp .Em TAP test programs are those that implement the Test Anything Protocol. They can be registered with the .Fn tap_test_program table constructor. This function takes the .Fa name of the test program and a collection of optional metadata settings for the test program. .Pp The following metadata properties can be passed to any test program definition: .Bl -tag -width XX -offset indent .It Va allowed_architectures Whitespace-separated list of machine architecture names allowed by the test. If empty or not defined, the test is allowed to run on any machine architecture. .Pp ATF: .Va require.arch .It Va allowed_platforms Whitespace-separated list of machine platform names allowed by the test. If empty or not defined, the test is allowed to run on any machine platform. .Pp ATF: .Va require.machine .It Va custom.NAME Custom variable defined by the test where .Sq NAME denotes the name of the variable. These variables are useful to tag your tests with information specific to your project. The values of such variables are propagated all the way from the tests to the results files and later to any generated reports. .Pp Note that if the name happens to have dashes or any other special characters in it, you will have to use a special Lua syntax to define the property. Refer to the .Sx EXAMPLES section below for clarification. .Pp ATF: .Va X-NAME .It Va description Textual description of the test. .Pp ATF: .Va descr .It Va execenv The name of the execution environment to be used for running the test. If empty or not defined, the .Sq host execution environment is meant. The possible values are: .Bl -tag -width xUnnnnnnn .It host The default environment which runs the test as a usual child process. .It jail The .Fx .Xr jail 8 environment. It creates a temporary jail to run the test and its optional cleanup logic within. .Pp This feature requires .Xr kyua 1 to be running with superuser privileges. .Pp The difference between .Va security.jail.children.max and .Va security.jail.children.cur sysctl of the jail .Xr kyua 1 is running within must have a value high enough for the jail based tests planned to be run. For instance, the value 1 should be enough for a sequential run of simple tests. Otherwise, such aspects as parallel test execution and sub-jails spawned by specific test cases should be considered. .Pp The formula of a temporary jail name is .Sq kyua + .Va test program path + .Sq _ + .Va test case name . All non-alphanumeric characters are replaced with .Sq _ . .Sq kyua_usr_tests_sys_netpfil_pf_pass_block_v4 is an example for /usr/tests/sys/netpfil/pf/pass_block:v4 test case. .El .Pp ATF: .Va execenv .It Va execenv_jail_params Additional test-specific whitespace-separated parameters of .Fx .Xr jail 8 to create a temporary jail within which the test is run. It makes sense only if execenv is set to .Sq jail . .sp .Xr kyua 1 implicitly passes .Sq children.max parameter to .Xr jail 8 for a temporary jail with the maximum possible value according to the jail .Xr kyua 1 itself is running within. It allows tests to easily spawn their own sub-jails without additional configuration. It can be overridden via .Va execenv_jail_params if needed. .Pp ATF: .Va execenv.jail.params .It Va is_exclusive If true, indicates that this test program cannot be executed along any other programs at the same time. Test programs that affect global system state, such as those that modify the value of a .Xr sysctl 8 setting, must set themselves as exclusive to prevent failures due to race conditions. Defaults to false. .Pp ATF: .Va is.exclusive .It Va required_configs Whitespace-separated list of configuration variables that the test requires to be defined before it can run. .Pp ATF: .Va require.config .It Va required_disk_space Amount of available disk space that the test needs to run successfully. .Pp ATF: .Va require.diskspace .It Va required_files Whitespace-separated list of paths that the test requires to exist before it can run. .Pp ATF: .Va require.files .It Va required_memory Amount of physical memory that the test needs to run successfully. .Pp ATF: .Va require.memory .It Va required_programs Whitespace-separated list of basenames or absolute paths pointing to executable binaries that the test requires to exist before it can run. .Pp ATF: .Va require.progs .It Va required_user If empty, the test has no restrictions on the calling user for it to run. If set to .Sq unprivileged , the test needs to not run as root. If set to .Sq root , the test must run as root. .Pp ATF: .Va require.user .It Va timeout Amount of seconds that the test is allowed to execute before being killed. .Pp ATF: .Va timeout .El .Ss Recursion To reference test programs in another subdirectory, a different .Nm must be created in that directory and it must be included into the original .Nm by means of the .Fn include function. .Pp .Fn include may only be called with a relative path and with at most one directory component. This is by design: Kyua uses the file system structure as the layout of the test suite definition. Therefore, each subdirectory in a test suite must include its own .Nm and each .Nm can only descend into the .Nm Ns s of immediate subdirectories. .Pp If you need to source a .Nm located in disjoint parts of your file system namespace, you will have to create a .Sq shadow tree using symbolic links and possibly helper .Nm Ns s to plug the various subdirectories together. See the .Sx EXAMPLES section below for details. .Pp Note that each file is processed in its own Lua environment: there is no mechanism to pass state from one file to the other. The reason for this is that there is no such thing as a .Dq top-level .Nm in a test suite: the user has to be able to run the test suite from any directory in a given hierarchy, and this execution must not depend on files that live in parent directories. .Ss Top-level Kyuafile Every system has a top directory into which test suites get installed. The default is .Pa __TESTSDIR__ . Within this directory live test suites, each of which is in an independent subdirectory. Each subdirectory can be provided separately by independent third-party packages. .Pp Kyua allows running all the installed test suites at once in order to provide comprehensive cross-component reports. In order to do this, there is a special file in the top directory that knows how to inspect the subdirectories in search for other Kyuafiles and include them. .Pp The .Sx FILES section includes more details on where this file lives. .Ss Helper functions The .Sq base , .Sq string , and .Sq table Lua modules are fully available in the context of a .Nm . .Pp The following extra functions are provided by Kyua: .Bl -tag -width XX -offset indent .It Ft string Fn current_kyuafile Returns the absolute path to the current .Nm . .It Ft string Fn fs.basename "string path" Returns the last component of the given path. .It Ft string Fn fs.dirname "string path" Returns the given path without its last component or a dot if the path has a single component. .It Ft bool Fn fs.exists "string path" Checks if the given path exists. If the path is not absolute, it is relative to the directory containing the .Nm in which the call to this function occurs. .It Ft iterator Fn fs.files "string path" Opens a directory for scanning of its entries. The returned iterator yields an entry on each call, and the entry is simply the filename. If the path is not absolute, it is relative to the directory containing the .Nm in which the call to this function occurs. .It Ft is_absolute Fn fs.is_absolute "string path" Returns true if the given path is absolute; false otherwise. .It Ft join Fn fs.join "string path" "string path" Concatenates the two paths. The second path cannot be absolute. .El .Sh FILES .Bl -tag -width XX .It Pa __TESTSDIR__/Kyuafile . Top-level .Nm for the current system. .It Pa __EGDIR__/Kyuafile.top . Sample file to serve as a top-level .Nm . .El .Sh EXAMPLES The following .Nm is the simplest you can define. It provides a test suite definition and registers a couple of different test programs using different interfaces: .Bd -literal -offset indent syntax(2) test_suite('first') atf_test_program{name='integration_test'} plain_test_program{name='legacy_test'} .Ed .Pp The following example is a bit more elaborate. It introduces some metadata properties to the test program definitions and recurses into a couple of subdirectories: .Bd -literal -offset indent syntax(2) test_suite('second') plain_test_program{name='legacy_test', allowed_architectures='amd64 i386', required_files='/bin/ls', timeout=30} tap_test_program{name='privileged_test', required_user='root'} include('module-1/Kyuafile') include('module-2/Kyuafile') .Ed .Pp The syntax to define custom properties may be not obvious if their names have any characters that make the property name not be a valid Lua identifier. Dashes are just one example. To set such properties, do something like this: .Bd -literal -offset indent syntax(2) test_suite('FreeBSD') plain_test_program{name='the_test', ['custom.FreeBSD-Bug-Id']='category/12345'} .Ed .Ss FreeBSD jail execution environment The following example configures the test to be run within a temporary jail with .Xr vnet 9 support and the permission to create raw sockets: .Bd -literal -offset indent syntax(2) test_suite('FreeBSD') atf_test_program{name='network_test', execenv='jail', execenv_jail_params='vnet allow.raw_sockets', required_user='root'} .Ed .Pp A test case itself may have no requirements in superuser privileges, but required_user='root' metadata property reminds that the jail execution environment requires .Xr kyua 1 being running with root privileges, and the test is skipped otherwise with the respective message. The combination of .Va execenv set to .Sq jail and .Va required_user set to .Sq unprivileged does not work respectively. .Ss Connecting disjoint test suites Now suppose you had various test suites on your file system and you would like to connect them together so that they could be executed and treated as a single unit. The test suites we would like to connect live under .Pa /usr/tests , .Pa /usr/local/tests and .Pa ~/local/tests . .Pp We cannot create a .Nm that references these because the .Fn include directive does not support absolute paths. Instead, what we can do is create a shadow tree using symbolic links: .Bd -literal -offset indent $ mkdir ~/everything $ ln -s /usr/tests ~/everything/system-tests $ ln -s /usr/local/tests ~/everything/local-tests $ ln -s ~/local/tests ~/everything/home-tests .Ed .Pp And then we create an .Pa ~/everything/Kyuafile file to drive the execution of the integrated test suite: .Bd -literal -offset indent syntax(2) test_suite('test-all-the-things') include('system-tests/Kyuafile') include('local-tests/Kyuafile') include('home-tests/Kyuafile') .Ed .Pp Or, simply, you could reuse the sample top-level .Nm to avoid having to manually craft the list of directories into which to recurse: .Bd -literal -offset indent $ cp __EGDIR__/Kyuafile.top ~/everything/Kyuafile .Ed .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr kyua 1