2006-06-05 - Snort 2.6.0 Released [*] New Additions * Changes to autoconf and make. If building and installing Snort on SunOS, Mac OSX, OpenBSD, FreeBSD (and many other platforms), please reference the "Platform Specific Notes" section of doc/INSTALL. * Use libtool for building of libraries and shared libraries. libtool version 1.4 or later must be installed. * Added Performance Profiling Measurements for rules & preprocessors. Enabled via --enable-perfprofiling. * Added support for dynamically loadable preprocessors, detection engine and rules. Enabled via --enable-dynamicplugin. Provides ability to write "blackbox" rules in C. Provides for quicker development/release of new preprocessors and smaller snort binary. Added 'gid' and 'metadata' fields to rules. * Addition of dynamically loadable SMTP preprocessor. Deprecates xlink2state minipreprocessor. * Addition of dynamically loadable FTP/Telnet preprocessor. Deprecates telnet_decode preprocessor. * Preprocessor configuration validation. Verifies a preprocessor configuration, when one preprocessor depends on another preprocessor being enabled (HttpInspect depends on Stream). Also handles 2 part configurations (Frag3 requires at least one policy/engine configuration). * Longname option support. See README for new options. * Stream API to simplify transition to next generation Stream module. Flowbits now stored as part of stream, updates to output plugins for logging of reassembled packets. Updates to other preprocessors to provide per stream state data. * Logging of Generator ID to MySQL database. Updated database schema to add this field. Requires update to BASE. See http://sourceforge.net/projects/secureideas for the latest. [*] Improvements * Changed default pattern matcher to Aho-Corasick. Wu-Manbher will be deprecated in the next release. This may result in an increase in snort's memory consumption. Other pattern matchers are available that utilize smaller amounts of memory (Keyword Trie, Aho-Corasick Sparse, etc). Refer to the Snort manual on how to configure snort to use an alternate pattern matcher. * Inline drop modified to alwyas set flag when packets are blocked. Useful with logging. * Inline drop correctly handles config stateless and non-content rules. * Better exception handling and restart/exit cleanup of preprocessors, rules and pattern matcher memory. Removed reentrant issue with syslog on exit via signal. * Updates to Stream4 enforce_state keywork to better handle sessions that are picked up midstream, asynchronous traffic, etc. * Stream4 performance improvements and changes to help reduce false positives on reassembled data. * Fix to Wu-Manbher pattern matcher for repeating content checks. * Compiler warning cleanup for Win32 * Frag3 memory leak fix. * Portscan changes to address buffer overrun issue. * Fix rules parsing when DNS is not available. * Handle perf-stats 32bit int wrapping on 64bit platforms. * Update the daemonization code to parse the entire configuration file before daemonization. Addresses a number of issues relating to opening wrong PCAP device prior to reading it from the conf file and the use of -T flag.