%%File: VIRS0861.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Boza, Bizatch %%Platform: Windows 95 %%Type: Program., %%Disk Location: EXE application. %%Features: Direct acting. %%Damage: %%Size: 2,680 %%See Also: %%Notes: Boza has the distinction of being the first Windows 95 infector. Boza only infect files with the extension .EXE which are true Windows 95, 32-bit files (Windows 95 Portable Executable). The virus assumes certain characteristics about these files types and may damage the host file if these assumptions are wrong. The virus triggers on the 30th of any month and displays the following in a dialog box: The taste of fame just got tastier! VLAD Australia does it again with the world's first Win95 Virus. From the old school to the new. Metabolis Qark Darkman Automag Antigen RhinceWind Quantum Absolute Overload CoKe Please note the name of this virus is [Bizatch] written by Quantum of Vlad