%%File: VIRS0852.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Laroux, LAROUX %%Platform: Win, Win NT, Mac %%Type: Macro., Excel %%Disk Location: Document file. Personal.xls, Global macro file. %%Features: Direct acting. %%Damage: No damage, only replicates. %%Size: Increases length of document files. %%See Also: DMV (Excel), Word macro viruses. %%Notes: The LAROUX virus is an Excel macro language virus that infects Excel 5 and later documents and infects the Personal.xls file. If Personal.xls does not exist, the virus creates it. When personal has been infected, all new Excel workbooks (documents) are infected. Macros: auto_open, check_files Hidden worksheet: laroux Laroux does not spread on the Macintosh because of the way it searches for the personal.xls file. Removal: delete auto_open and check_files macros. Protection: Set the attributes of your personal.xls file to read only. If you don't have a personal.xls file, create a blank one and set its attributes to read only.