%%File: VIRS0851.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Irish, macro %%Platform: Win, Win NT, Mac %%Type: Macro., %%Disk Location: Microsoft Word document. %%Features: Direct acting. %%Damage: No damage, only replicates. %%Size: Adds Macros to Word document files %%See Also: WordMacro.Nuclear, Concept, FormatC , Colors, DMV, Hot, Imposter, Irish, Infezione, Wazzu, Atom, Xenixos, Polite, Boom, Friendly, NOP, Pheew, Lbynj %%Notes: Irish is a word macro virus. It infects Word documents by adding macros to the documents and to the normal.dot global macro file. The WordHelp and WordHelpNT macros do not seem to execute automatically, but if they are run manually, they turn the screen green. They also try to change the screen saver to Marquee, with the text: Happy Saint Patties Day CDJ 1995 The screen saver part does not work well. Macros: On a document: AntiVirus, FileSave, WordHelp, WordHelpNT In Normal.dot: AntiVirus, AutoOpen, WordHelp, WordHelpNT Removal: Mac: SAM 4.0.8 does not detect this virus.