%%File: VIRS0849.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Imposter, macro %%Platform: Win, Win NT, Mac %%Type: Macro., %%Disk Location: Microsoft Word document. %%Features: Direct acting. %%Damage: No damage, only replicates. %%Size: Adds Macros to Word document files %%See Also: WordMacro.Nuclear, Concept, FormatC , Colors, DMV, Hot, Imposter, Irish, Infezione, Wazzu, Atom, Xenixos, Polite, Boom, Friendly, NOP, Pheew, Lbynj %%Notes: Imposter is a word macro virus related to DMV. It infects Word documents by adding macros to the documents and to the normal.dot global macro file. Imposter uses only two macros, On a document: AutoClose and DMV In Normal.dot: FileSaveAs and DMV Removal: Mac: SAM 4.0.8 does not detect this virus. PC: F-PROT 2.22 detects