%%File: VIRS0848.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Hot, Winword Hot, Wordmacro/Hot, macro %%Platform: Win, Win NT, Mac %%Type: Macro., %%Disk Location: Microsoft Word document. %%Features: Direct acting. %%Damage: Deletes Word documents as they are opened %%Size: Adds Macros to Word document files %%See Also: WordMacro.Nuclear, Concept, FormatC , Colors, DMV, Hot, Imposter, Irish, Infezione, Wazzu, Atom, Xenixos, Polite, Boom, Friendly, NOP, Pheew, Lbynj %%Notes: Wordmacro/Hot is a word macro virus and it is destructive. The Wordmacro/Hot virus attaches itself like the others, adding macros to documents and to the "normal.dot" global macro file. New documents are infected when they are saved. After about 14 days, the virus deletes the contents of any document as you open it and does a save which effectively wipes out the document. It is unlikely that you will be able to recover the contents of a file deleted in this way unless you have Make Backup turned on. Don't start opening the backup copies before cleaning the virus, because it will clear the contents of every document you open while it is active. An infected document contains the following macros: AutoOpen DrawBringInFrOut InsertPBreak ToolsRepaginat When the virus infects the Word program, these macros are copied to "normal.dot" and renamed in the same order to: StartOfDoc AutoOpen InsertPageBreak FileSave The virus adds the item: "OLHot=nnnnn" to the winword.ini file where nnnnn is a date 14 days in the future. The virus uses this date to determine when it is going to trigger. The virus also checks for the existence of the file: "c:\dos\ega5.cpi" and does not infect a machine if the file exists. This was apparently a feature to protect the virus writer. The HOT virus makes calls to external functions in the Windows API. Because of this, it is specific to Windows 3.1 and will not work on Win 95 or the Macintosh. On the Mac, it causes a macro error and does not infect Normal. Removal: Mac: SAM 4.0.8 does not detect this virus. The April 96 release of SAM is supposed to add detection and removal of HOT. PC: F-PROT 2.22 detects