%%File: VIRS0842.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Atom, macro %%Platform: Win, Win NT, Mac %%Type: Macro., %%Disk Location: Microsoft Word document. %%Features: Direct acting. %%Damage: Deletes or moves files., Encrypts files %%Size: Adds Macros to Word document files %%See Also: WordMacro.Nuclear, Concept, FormatC , Colors, DMV, Hot, Imposter, Irish, Infezione, Wazzu, Atom, Xenixos, Polite, Boom, Friendly, NOP, Pheew, Lbynj %%Notes: Atom is a word macro virus. It infects Word documents by adding macros to the documents and to the normal.dot global macro file. If the virus is activated on December 13th, it attempts to delete all files in the current directory. If a file is saved and the clock seconds are 13, the virus passwords the document with the password "ATOM#1" making the document inaccessible by the owner. Macros: On a document: ? In Normal.dot: ? Removal: Mac: SAM 4.0.8 does not detect this virus. PC: F-PROT 2.22 detects