%%File: VIRS0789.TXT %%Name/Aliases: V08-15 %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Program., %%Disk Location: COM application., EXE application. %%Features: Memory resident; TSR. %%Damage: %%Size: 1322 -1337 virus is placed on even paragraphs %%See Also: %%Notes: A .COM and .EXE file infector. After the 11th of November 1990 the virus will intercept INT 09 and count the keystrokes. If the number of keystrokes reaches 3000 the virus will display the message "CRITICAL ERROR 08/15: TOO MANY FINGERS ON KEYBOARD ERROR". and halt the system. Counting starts as soon as the first infected file is started. CRITICAL ERROR 08/15: TOO MANY FINGERS ON KEYBOARD ERROR. printed on screen. Infected files contain the readable string: 'CRITICAL ERROR 08/15: TOO MANY FINGERS ON KEYBOARD ERROR.' EXE-type files are marked infected by 4D54h at offset 12h (that is the EXE header checksum). COM-type files are marked by the same 16bit value but at offset 3 in file (that is 103h when loaded). Boot from a clean disk and delete infected files.