%%File: VIRS0769.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Trigger %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Program., %%Disk Location: COM application., EXE application. %%Features: Polymorphic %%Damage: Corrupts a program or overlay files. %%Size: files grow by 2493-2653 bytes %%See Also: MtE %%Notes: Trigger infects .COM and .EXE files from 2 bytes - 29696 bytes. The researcher's largest bait file was 29K 29696 bytes. Trigger has the following text in the first generation (Trigger by Dark Angel of Phalcon/Skism Utilising Dark Angel's Multiple Encryptor (DAME)). No text is readable in the second generation and beyond. Trigger is polymorphic, but not stealth. On the test machine, the files grew by 2493 bytes - 2653 bytes Trigger appends the virus to the end of the host files.