%%File: VIRS0761.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Totoro Dragon, Totoro Cat %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Program., %%Disk Location: EXE application., COM application. %%Features: Memory resident; TSR. %%Damage: %%Size: 1540 bytes %%See Also: %%Notes: from virus-l, v6-109: It is a resident .COM, and .EXE infector, and is 1540 bytes in length. I don't believe it is in the wild, but you never know. The text below is contained in the virus Totoro Dragon Hello! I am TOTORO CAT Written by Y.T.J.C.T in Ping Tung. TAIWAN Don't Worry, be Happy $YTIT Totoro Dragon is neither a stealth or encrypted virus. It has an odd method of infecting .COM files. the virus is placed at the beginning of the file, and adds four bytes of text at the end of the file YTIT. In .EXE files, the virus is appended to the end, and again, YTIT is placed at the end of the file Adding YTIT to the end of the infected files is how that Totoro Dragon marks files as infected. -----------------------------