%%File: VIRS0744.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Tai-Pan, Whisper %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Program., %%Disk Location: EXE application., Only .EXE apps less than 64K long. %%Features: Memory resident; TSR. %%Damage: No damage, only replicates. %%Size: 438 %%See Also: %%Notes: Tai-Pan was discovered in Sweden in the summer of 1994, and has spread to Europe, USA, New Zealand, and Canada . Tai-Pan is a simple virus. It is memory resident and infects all executed .EXE files that are less than 64 KB in length. Infected files grow by 438 bytes. The virus is not destructive, but makes infected machines unstable. Text contained in the file: `[Whisper presenterar Tai-Pan]'.