%%File: VIRS0726.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Stoned, Marijuana, Hawaii,New Zealand, Australian, Hemp, San Diego, Smithsonian, Stoned-B, Stoned-C, Zapper (variant) %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Boot sector., %%Disk Location: Floppy disk boot sector., Hard disk partition table. %%Features: Memory resident; TSR. %%Damage: Interferes with a running application., Corrupts boot sector, Corrupts the file linkages or the FAT. %%Size: Overlays boot sector, no increase, 440 bytes %%See Also: Michaelangelo %%Notes: Spreads between boot sectors of both fixed and floppy disks. May overlay data. Sometimes displays message "Your PC is now Stoned!" when booted from floppy. Affects partition record on hard disk. No intentional damage is done. When Stoned and Michaelangelo both infect a disk, problems occur because they both try to hide the partition table in the same place. 'Your PC is now Stoned!.....LEGALISE MARIJUANA!' in the bootsector at offset 18Ah