%%File: VIRS0670.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Ripper %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Multipartite., %%Disk Location: Floppy disk boot sector., Hard disk boot sector., FORMAT.COM, SYS.COM, MORE.COM, UNFORMAT.COM %%Features: Stealth %%Damage: Attempts to format the disk. %%Size: %%See Also: Jack-the-Ripper %%Notes: This appears to be different from Jack-the-Ripper. It lives in the boot sector of floppies and hard disk partition tables and infects four DOS files :- FORMAT.COM, SYS.COM, MORE.COM, UNFORMAT.COM . On the sixteenth reboot, it will reformat your hard drive. Dr Solomons Tookit also detects Ripper CPAV v 2 (due early '94) will detect it F-PROT