%%File: VIRS0659.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Quox, Stealth 2 Boot %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Boot sector., %%Disk Location: Floppy disk boot sector., Hard disk partition table. %%Features: Stealth %%Damage: Corrupts floppy disk boot sector, Overwrites sectors on the Hard Disk., No damage, only replicates. %%Size: Overlays boot sector, no increase, Installs itself in the top 1K of the base memory %%See Also: %%Notes: 1. When a system is booted from an infected disk the virus installs itself on the Master Boot Sector. Also, when a clean floppy disk is inserted into an infected machine, any attempt to access the boot sector results in infecting the disk. 2. Its known function is only replication ( No deliberate damage or side effect). 3. The occupies a single disk sector of 512 bytes which replaces the Master Boot Sector of the hard disk or the DOS Boot Sector on a floppy disk. 4. The virus take advantage of the DOS FDISK program that partitions the disk. It locates the Boot Sector and installs itself. Any version of DOS that does not comply with the conventions are safe from infection, because the infection routine fails to locate the Boot Sector and its aborted. 5. When an infected 1.4 MByte 3.5-inch disks is accessed by an clean system. The disk becomes unreadable under DOS and the message " General failure error ' is given. This failure is caused by MS-DOS operating system, not the virus. 6. Disinfecting a fixed disk must be done by booting from write- protected system diskette. Using the DOS command FDISK/MBR or disk editor to restore the Boot Sector saved by the virus. Floppy disks are sanitized by reformatting the disk or by copying the boot sector from a clean disk of the exact same type. For unreadable disk, data are recovered by copying the boot sector of a clean to the infected disk.