%%File: VIRS0630.TXT %%Name/Aliases: PKPAK/PKUNPAK 3.61, PK362, PK363 %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Trojan., %%Disk Location: PK362.EXE, PK363.EXE, PKPAK/PKUNPAK v. 3.61 %%Features: %%Damage: %%Size: %%See Also: %%Notes: PKPAK/PKUNPAK *TROJAN* There is a TAMPERED version of 3.61 that when used interfers with PC's interupts. PK362.EXE This is a NON-RELEASED version and is suspected as being a *TROJAN* - not verified. PK363.EXE This is a NON-RELEASED version and is suspected as being a *TROJAN* - not verified.