%%File: VIRS0621.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Phoenix D, P1 %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Program., Encrypted/Stealth The virus actively hides., %%Disk Location: COM application., COMMAND.COM. %%Features: Memory resident; TSR above TOM., Encrypted, Polymorphic %%Damage: %%Size: 1704 All .COM files but COMMAND.COM, It overlays part of COMMAND.COM, Multiple infections are possible., Polymorphic: each infection different %%See Also: %%Notes: The Phoenix-D virus is of Bulgarian origin, and is a bug fixed version of Phoenix. This virus is one of a family of three (3) viruses which may be referred to as the P1 or Phoenix Family. The Phoenix virus is a memory resident, generic infector of .COM files, and will infect COMMAND.COM. Phoenix infects COMMAND.COM by overwriting part of the binary zero portion of the program, and changing the program's header information. COMMAND.COM will not change in file length. Phoenix is not able to recognize when it has previously infected a file, so it may reinfect .COM files several times. Each infection of a .COM file will result in another 1,704 bytes of viral code being appended to the file. Systems infected with the Phoenix virus will experience problems with executing CHKDSK.COM. Attempts to execute this program with Phoenix memory resident will result in a warm reboot of the system occurring, however the memory resident version of Phoenix will not survive the reboot. The Phoenix Virus employs a complex encryption mechanism, and virus scanners which are only able to look for simple hex strings will not be able to detect it. There is no simple hex string in this virus that is common to all infected samples. Also see: Phoenix, V1701New A warmboot occurs when CHKDSK.COM is run. ViruScan V66+ Scan/D, or delete infected files