%%File: VIRS0609.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Parity 2, Parity Boot, Parity_Boot.A and Parity_Boot.B %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Boot sector., %%Disk Location: Floppy disk boot sector., Hard disk partition table. %%Features: Memory resident; TSR., Stealth; actively hides from detection. %%Damage: Display message 'PARITY CHECK' and Halts the computer, Performs soft reboot and warm reboot. %%Size: Overlays boot sector, no increase, Reduces DOS memory by 1 kbyte %%See Also: Parity %%Notes: A memory resident boot virus that infects floppy disk boot records and hard disk partition tables. The Virus uses stealth techniques to hide. Stealth techniques preclude disk scan when virus is in memory. It may display the message PARITY CHECK and then hang the computer. v6-149: "...Germany is full of it. Not because it is stealth or survives warm reboot (which it is and does), no - because some large warehouse has distributed it on the computers they sold...." Updated information: Parity_Boot.A and Parity_Boot.B are two similar Boot Sector viruses. The only difference is that 'A' version stores a copy of the original Master Boot Sector in Sector 14, Side 0, Cylinder 0 of the hard disk. While the 'B' version uses Sector 9, Side 0, Cylinder 0. This difference is important for disinfection purposes. A hard disk is infected upon booting from an infected floppy disk. The virus examines the MBS to determine whether the disk is infected or clean. If the offset 01BCh has a value of C9h, then the hard disk is infected. If the test fails, then the virus starts the infection process. It stores parts of the 24-hour timer for later use. And it stores the address of the current Int 13h handler and reduces DOS memory by 1 kbyte, which is used for the virus code. Then, it hooks Int 13h and Int 09h. Finally, It executes a soft reboot using the Int 19h function. The reboot will use the virus' Int 13 h and Int 09h functions which loads the original boot sector into memory and gives it control. The virus' payload is activated by Int 09h. Whenever Int 09h is called and the clock count byte stored at booting is less than the current time value, the payload will be delivered. It consists of displaying the message 'PARITY CHECK' and the processor is halted with HLT instruction, and the only way out of the situation is to turn the machine off! Also, when Ctrl_Alt_Del keys are pressed, then the virus simulates a memory parity error, executing a warm reboot.