%%File: VIRS0591.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Npox.1482, Varicella %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Program., %%Disk Location: %%Features: %%Damage: %%Size: %%See Also: %%Notes: v6-146: This virus was written to hurt users of the TBCLEAN antivirus package. If you have a file infected with the Varicella virus, and if you tried to clean this virus infected file with tbclean, what would actual happen is that tbclean will report "that this file is not infected by a virus" but what _actually_ happen was that the virus escaped the controlled environment that tbclean setup to try to disinfect the file, and the virus will go resident and hook interrupts 21h,13h,8h,1ch. and it will allocate memory under the TOM, and fool tbclean in reporting that no virus is in the file, and tbclean will exit normally! whereby, in fact the varicella virus went resident and is now infecting the system. and to advice you, the varicella virus is fairly a stealth virus that disinfects files on the file, when opened and reinfects them when closed, and it hides its virus length very well! such a virus can easily get out of control on a huge level.