%%File: VIRS0524.TXT %%Name/Aliases: MacGyver, McGyver, Shoo, Mad Satan, Satan, Mcgy %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Program., %%Disk Location: COM application., EXE application., Floppy disk boot sector., Hard disk boot sector. %%Features: Memory resident; TSR., Stealth %%Damage: Unknown, not analyzed yet. %%Size: 2803, 2824, 3160, 4112, 4480, 4645 %%See Also: %%Notes: MacGyver is a family of viruses with different properties and text. Variant:Properties:Text MacGyver.2803 : Infects EXE files: MACGYVER V1.0 Written by JOEY in Keelung. TAIWAN MacGyver.2824A : Infects EXE files : MACGYVER V1.0 Written by JOEY in Keelung. TAIWAN MacGyver.2824B : Infects EXE files : * Satan Virus * MAD !! Another Masterpiece of Sax (c) Copyright 1993 Written by Mad Satan... Ver 2.02 MACGYVER V1.0 Written by JOEY in Keelung. TAIWAN MacGyver v4.0 written by Dark Slayer in Keelung, Taiwan. 93/09/09 MacGyver.3160 : Infects COM and EXE files MacGyver.4112 : Infects COM and EXE files and boot sectors MacGyver.4480 : Infects COM and EXE files, stealth: MacGyver v4.0 written by Dark Slayer Taiwan. 93/09/09 MacGyver.4643 : Infects COM and EXE files MacGyver.4645 : Infects COM and EXE files, stealth F-Prot 2.19 detects this virus. SCAN 226 detects variant 2824 as 2803 and incorrectly disinfects the files. Disinfected files become unusable. Scan removes the virus but does not fix the pointer to the start of the .EXE program so the first step jumps to where the virus used to be causing a crash or worse.