%%File: VIRS0511.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Liberty, Liberty-B, Liberty-C %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Program., Encrypted/Stealth The virus actively hides., %%Disk Location: COM application., EXE application., Program overlay files. %%Features: Encrypted, Direct acting. %%Damage: Corrupts a program or overlay files., Corrupts boot sector %%Size: 2862 bytes %%See Also: %%Notes: Self-encrypting, not known if destructive floppy boot infection occurs rather rarely and is possible on PC XTs only Scanners don't seem to report an infection when tested against an infected floppy. INT 1CH is used to trigger. When triggered, the virus changes all characters being sent/received via INT 14H, printer via INT 17H and displayed via INT 10H (AH=09 or AH=0AH) toomake a string "MAGIC!!" for 512 timer ticks (approx 28 secs). After 10th triggering the virus swaps the upper line of a screen for blinking yellow-on-red sign "M A G I C ! ! !" (won't work on monochromes) then passes cotrol to ROM Basic. PCs without ROM Basic will either hang or reboot. On self-encrypting: only self-encryps small piece of code used to infect COM files. Also encrypts first 120 bytes of infected COM file but this is NOT SELF-encrypting