%%File: VIRS0501.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Keypress %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Program., %%Disk Location: COM application., EXE application. %%Features: Memory resident; TSR. %%Damage: %%Size: 1232-1247 in .COM file., 1472-1487 in .EXE file. %%See Also: %%Notes: Every 10 minutes, the virus looks at INT 09h (keyboard interrupt) for 2 seconds; if a keystroke is recognized during this time, it is repeated depending on how long the key is pressed; it thus appears as a "bouncing key" v6-140: At the moment I know of the following variants: 1215 1215/1455 bytes 1228 1228/1468 bytes 9 variants of 1232 1232/1472 bytes 1236 (Chaos) 1236/1492 bytes 1266 1266/1506 bytes 1495 1495/1735 bytes 1744 1744/1984 bytes 2728 2728/2984 bytes A total of 16 variants...whatever CPAV identifies as "KEYPRESS 5" is probably one of them, but without information on the virus size I cannot tell which one it is. -- frisk v6-141: " ...I have just tested CPAV 2.0 on my collection of Keypress variants, and the one that it calls KeyPress 5 is something that we call Keypress.Ufo... " v6-142: "...CPAV 2.0 calls "KeyPress 5" only the last one - Keypress (2728) in your naming scheme...."