%%File: VIRS0432.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Happy Halloween %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Program., %%Disk Location: COM application., EXE application. %%Features: Direct acting. %%Damage: Corrupts a program or overlay files. %%Size: 10,000 %%See Also: %%Notes: Non resident, required minimum file size to infect, discovered Dec 1991 in British Columbia, CANADA File infects on exection, appears to seek out single file for infection of length greater than xxxx bytes. Infected files grow by 10,000 decimal bytes. Virus infects all files as if .exe - infected .com files will not execute properly. Virus may have at one time been compressed with LZEXE. Embedded string ("All Gone") indicates file deletion/destruction may occur on Oct 31 of any year after 1991 or Dec 25. COMMAND.COM infection will make floppy boot necessary. Not found by common scanners. string: 6c6c6f7765656e55