%%File: VIRS0427.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Haifa %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Program., loads itself to 8000:0100 (address fixed), %%Disk Location: COM application., EXE application. %%Features: Memory resident; TSR., Polymorphic %%Damage: Trashes the hard disk., Corrupts a data file. %%Size: 2350 - 2400, Polymorphic: each infection different %%See Also: %%Notes: This virus has no stealth capabilities and can be picked out quickly by using any directory listing program. Will not infect overlay, .BIN or .SYS files. couldn't get to spread on a 386 machine or when invoked on a floppy drive on any of 7 PCs. Prints out messages, and adds text to .DOC, .TXT, and .PAS files. Adds code to .ASM files that will overwrite the hard disk if assembled and run. When HAIFA infacts a file, it will set the minutes field of the time stamp to an even value (it clears the 0 but) and sets seconds field to 38; Unusual numbers of programs with seconds set to 38 are a possible indication of this virus.