%%File: VIRS0396.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Genb, genp, Generic Boot, GenericBoot, NewBug, New Bug %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Boot sector., NOT ANY PARTICULAR VIRUS!!! %%Disk Location: Hard disk partition table. %%Features: %%Damage: %%Size: %%See Also: Form, Brasil, AntiEXE %%Notes: This is NOT a particular virus! McAfee's SCAN program says identifies some boot sector viruses as the "genb" or "genp" viruses when it finds a suspicious scanning string in the boot sector . Viruses that have appeared that are identified as genb include FORM, AntiEXE and Brasil. Virhunt uses the name Generic Boot. CPAV uses the name New Bug. Eradication may occur if you run SYS C:, but backup your hard disk first! ------------------------------ from virus-l, v6-104: There is no such thing as "the Generic Boot Virus". What Scan means when it reports GenB, is that it has found a piece of highly suspicious code in the boot sector, but does not find a search string belonging to any known virus. This can mean: 1) A new virus. 2) A false alarm, for example if the boot sector contains some obscure security program. 3) A damaged or partly overwritten copy of an old virus. Determining exactly what is going on requires an analysis of the actual boot sector. - -frisk ------------------------------