%%File: VIRS0351.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Empire B.2, UofA, derived of Stoned %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Boot sector., %%Disk Location: Floppy disk boot sector., Hard disk boot sector. %%Features: Memory resident; TSR above TOM. %%Damage: Corrupts boot sector %%Size: %%See Also: %%Notes: Contains a data diddler routine. On any write to a floppy, the virus may randomly decide to alter one or more bytes being written, to a new random value. This variant does not announce its existence in any way. Does not use stealth, and can be detected using several virus scanners. Uses 1k of memory from "top of memory" and it tends to not work with 720k diskettes, they appear unreadablebecause DOS thinks they are 1.2Mb.