%%File: VIRS0345.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Eight Tunes, 1971, 8-Tunes %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Program., %%Disk Location: COM application., EXE application. %%Features: Memory resident; TSR. %%Damage: Interferes with a running application., Corrupts a program or overlay files. %%Size: 1971-1986 .COM applications bytes: (length -3) mod 16 = 0., 1971-1986 .EXE applications bytes: (length -3) mod 16 = 0. %%See Also: %%Notes: During load procedure, .COM and .EXE files are infected. 90 days after the infection, after 30 minutes, the virus will play one of eigth melodies (random selection). After a short time, the virus will play a melody again. The virus looks for and deactivates "BOMBSQAD.COM", an antivirus-tool controlling accesses to disks. The virus looks for "FSP.COM" (Flushot+), an antivirus tool controlling accesses to disks, files etc., and stops the infection if it is found. Your computer is randomly playing short tunes. Typical texts in Virus body (readable with HexDump-facilities):"COMMAND.COM" in the data area of the virus .Com files: the bytes 007h,01fh,05fh, 05eh,05ah,059h,05bh,058h,02eh,0ffh,02eh,00bh, 000h are found 62 bytes before end of file . .EXE files: the bytes 007h,01fh, 05fh,05eh,05ah,059h,05bh,058h,02eh,0ffh,02eh, 00bh,000h are found 62 bytes before end of file.