%%File: VIRS0322.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Dragon %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Other: Parasitic file infector, %%Disk Location: EXE application. %%Features: Memory resident; TSR., Stealth, Fast infector type %%Damage: Corrupts some EXE files which causes system crash, No damage, only replicates. %%Size: Overlays application, no increase %%See Also: %%Notes: The following text extracted from VB March 1995: This virus non standard method in intercepting and infecting EXE file. It hooks Int 13h vector to control disk access and test for EXE stamp 'MZ'. The virus needs 400 byte for its code and data. The virus inserts itself in EXE header and modifies the header so that control is passed to the virus upon the execution. The execution of an infected file will trigger the installation routine in system memory. The installation routine will allocate 400 bytes at the top of base memory and marks the MCB owner filed as 'system' and copies itself at that block. The size, location, and stealth technique of this virus makes the virus hard to detect as well as allowing for fast infection. Once the virus is a memory resident, it obtains the DOS Data Table pointer using Get List Of List and searches for Drive Parameter Blocks for both floppy and hard disks drivers. The virus stores the address of Strategy and Interrupt handler of any such driver, then it sets its own address as the original device driver. Thus, any DOS call to the drivers will be passes to the virus, the virus performs its function, then calls the original device driver. The virus code is build on the assumption that most EXE header have an unused space padded with zero up to a maximum of 480 bytes. It designed to write itself between offset 0070h and 0200h in the header. When that location of the EXE header has other information and instruction, then they will be lost upon the infection and the EXE file is corrupted. The execution of a corrupt EXE file will cause a system crash. Note: Dragon may have problems working under NetWare and in multitasking environment. The removal should be done under clean system conditions. The infected files should be identified and replaced. The Hex Pattern of the virus in files and in memory is as follows: 8CC8 2E01 0691 000E 0606 8CC0 488E C026 8E1E 0300 83EB 1A07