%%File: VIRS0303.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Disk Killer, Computer Ogre, Disk Ogre %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Boot sector., %%Disk Location: Floppy disk boot sector., Hard disk boot sector. %%Features: Memory resident; TSR. %%Damage: Corrupts boot sector, Interferes with a running application., Corrupts a program or overlay files., Corrupts a data file., Encrypts the data on the disk. %%Size: Overlays boot sector, no increase %%See Also: %%Notes: Infects floppy and hard disk boot sectors and after 48 hours of work time, it displays the following message Disk Killer -- Version 1.00 by COMPUTER OGRE 04/01/1989 Warning !! Don't turn off the power or remove the diskette while Disk Killer is Processing! PROCESSING It then encrypts everything on the hard disk. The encryption is reversable. Word at offset 003Eh in the boot sector will contain the value 3CCBh.