%%File: VIRS0284.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Datalock, Datalock 1.00, V920, Datalock 2, Datalock-1043 %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Program., %%Disk Location: COM application., EXE application., Only .COM files > 22999 bytes long %%Features: Memory resident; TSR. %%Damage: Corrupts a program or overlay files. %%Size: 920, 1043 - Datalock-1043 variant %%See Also: %%Notes: It infects all EXE files but COM files must be greater than 22999 bytes long. If a file is opened that matches the selector *.?BF (.DBF files) is will give the message "Too many files open" and prevent access to the file. From a report in virus-l, v4-220: system lock-ups, drop out of application with no messages. Some programs would display the message "overlay not found" prior to dropping to DOS, a .EXE file grew by 920 bytes during first execution and after re-installation. Using debugger, found string "DataLock version 1.0". Datalock 2 variant found in wild in DC area that is buggy(virus-l, v5- 092) DATALOCK 2 does NOT contain string "Datalock version 1.0" SCAN 89b and FPROT 2.03a don't find Datalock 2 variant in EXE files, but original datalock signatures are valid and can be used to identify this variant. For DATALOCK 2: C3 1E A1 2C 00 50 8C D8 48 8E D8 81 2E 03 00 80 00 40 8E D8 v6-151: At least one anti-virus program can detect and remove DataLock (920.K1150 and 1740)