%%File: VIRS0245.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Commander Bomber, DAME %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Program., %%Disk Location: COM application., EXE application. %%Features: Direct acting., Polymorphic %%Damage: %%Size: %%See Also: %%Notes: Written by "Dark Avenger" this virus infects by putting parts of itself in between commands of the executible file. Basically, the virus code is split up and exists in various places within the infected file. Not encrypted, but you have to check the entire file for the virus. attacks against known virus scanning techniques v6-130: Try to find VirusBulletin December'92, page 10. A brief info: It's a harmless memory resident polymorphic virus. It hooks int 21h and infects COM-file except COMMAND.COM on their execution. It contains the internal text messages "COMMANDER BOMBER WAS HERE" and "[DAME]". The characteristic feature of this infector consist of new polymorphic algorithm. Upon infection the virus reads 4096 bytes from the random selected offset and writes this code at the and of the file. Then it writes its code into this 'hole' and starts to polymorphism. This virus contains several subroutines which generate random (but successfully executed!) code, the virus inserts those parts of random code into the random chosen position into the host file. There are about 90% of all the i8086 instructions are present into those parts. The part of code takes the control from the previous part by JMP, CALL, RET, RET xxxx instructions. The first part is inserted into the file beginning and jumps to next part, the next part jumps the third etc. The last part returns control to the main virus body. At the end the infected file looks like at 'spots' of inserted code.