%%File: VIRS0233.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Cinderella, Cinderella II %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Program., %%Disk Location: COM application., infects files of .DOC and .CO extension + more %%Features: Memory resident; TSR. %%Damage: None found %%Size: 390 bytes (Cinderella), 779 bytes (Cinderella II) %%See Also: %%Notes: Found in Finland on Sept. 1, 1991, seems to be common in Finland but not much of anywhere else Bug in virus: Can infect non executible files, but these files won't spread the virus. Can't survive a warmboot. Not sure if it has a payload at all, infects every file opened or executed. Virus is only 390 bytes long Will infect files opened with a *.CO? pattern. tester had trouble trying to infect .DOC files though (v5-044) The virus counts keystrokes, and after some number creates a hidden file named CINDEREL.LA and then resets the computer. Reports exist for the virus creating a file CINDEREL.LA after a certain number of keys have been pressed.