%%File: VIRS0188.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Bones, Stoned-T, NOP %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Boot sector., %%Disk Location: Floppy disk boot sector., Hard disk partition table. %%Features: Memory resident; TSR above TOM., Stealth %%Damage: Trashes the hard disk., On the 7th of any month it reatrranges the data on the hard disk. %%Size: Overlays boot sector, no increase, Reduces RAM by 1K. %%See Also: %%Notes: The virus is detected as Bones, Stoned-T, or NOP by different anti-virus products. ********VirHUNT 4.0E does not detect it*********** VirALERT does detect and stop the attempted infection, but VirHUNT 4.0E can not detect or identify it. F-PROT 2.16 calls it Bones Norman calls it Bones Vi-Spy 12 calls it Stoned-T SCAN 2.14e calls it NOP The virus uses stealth techniques, so most packages will not be able to detect it with the virus in memory. Most packages did discover the virus string in memory though they could not see the virus on disk. The virus is very destructive. On the 7th of any month, it will rearrange the data on your hard drive the first time you access an uninfected floppy. You can not recover from the destruction. All data on the hard drive is lost. Before it triggers, the virus can be removed by booting from a locked floppy and executing FDISK /MBR to write a new master boot record. The virus loads at the top of memory and moves the top of memory down by 1K. Run MEM under DOS and you get back 654,336 bytes of memory instead of 65,360, a difference of 1K bytes. The virus is tiny, fitting on a single sector on disk (<512 bytes).