%%File: VIRS0183.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Bloomington, NOINT, Stoned III, Stoned 3 %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Boot sector., Direct acting. Activates when run., %%Disk Location: Floppy disk boot sector., Hard disk boot sector. %%Features: Encrypted %%Damage: Corrupts boot sector %%Size: %%See Also: %%Notes: "stealthy" MBR and boot sector infector. Not a very forgiving virus, if you look for the partition table you are likely to get garbage, and if DOS gets garbage, the disk is gone. CHKDSK will report 2k less "total bytes memory" (640k reporting 655360- 653 or less is a danger sign) Named NoInt by Micke McCune when isolated in MAY 91 , it doesn't use interrupts to send commands to BIOS. McAfee calls it Stoned III for some random reason, Norton AntiVirus calls it Bloomington (town of its discovery)