%%File: VIRS0161.TXT %%Name/Aliases: AZUSA, Azuza, Hong Kong, Sylvia %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Boot sector., %%Disk Location: Floppy disk boot sectors., Hard disk partition tables. %%Features: Memory resident; TSR above TOM. %%Damage: Corrupts a program or overlay files., Disables com1 and lpt1, Corrupts a data file., Corrupts floppy disk boot sector, Corrupts hard disk partition table %%Size: Overlays boot sector, no increase %%See Also: %%Notes: AZUSA is a boot sector and partition table infector that is at least as effective as the STONED and infects the boot sectors of floppies and the partition table of hard disks. It goes resident and takes 1k of memory from the TOM (CHKDSK "total bytes memory" is reduced by 1024 bytes - 640k machine will report 654336 instead of 655360). No stealth is involved and it may be recognized by the long jump (E9 8B) at the start of an infected sector. It causes bombs by disabling COM1 and LPT1. Found on distribution disks of TVGA - 8916 (Trident Microsystems, Inc.) VGA software. System crashes. The computer is not able to talk to COM1 and LPT1., Top of memory reduced by 1K. long jump (E9 8B) at the start of an infected sector. For floppies, boot with an uninfected disk and use the sys command to rewrite the boot blocks. A hard disk must have its partition table restored from a copy stored on a floppy. Most of the tools programs do this (PC Tools, Norton, etc.) though you must save the copy before the disk is infected.