%%File: VIRS0130.TXT %%Name/Aliases: Anti Pascal, Anti Pascal 529, Anti Pascal 605, AP 529, AP 605, C 605, V-605 %%Platform: PC/MS-DOS %%Type: Program., %%Disk Location: COM application. %%Features: Direct acting. %%Damage: Deletes or moves files., Interferes with a running application., Corrupts a program or overlay files. %%Size: 605 %%See Also: %%Notes: May overwrite .BAK and .PAS files if not enough .COM files are available in a directory for it to infect. Infected files begin with "PQVWS". They also contain the string "combakpas???exe" at offset 0x17.0 VIRSCAN string....... BF00018B360C0103F7B95D021E07EA00, scan COM files only.